PPC vs SEO To Boost Traffic To Websites?

February 22, 2024
5 min read
PPC vs SEO To Boost Traffic To Websites?

If you own a website or work in digital marketing you can't escape two terms: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. 

Both are crucial in enhancing the online presence of a business and driving its growth. However, deciding which strategy to prioritise can be challenging, particularly for those new to marketing.

Digital Marketing Drives Traffic To Websites

Digital marketing is crucial for driving traffic and engagement to your website. So many businesses launch a great website but fail to drive the traffic volumes to the site to make it viable.

Website traffic refers to the volume of people visiting a website. How many people visit a website will depend on the website's purpose, the visitors' own goals, and how they discovered the site. 

What is SEO?

SEO is enhancing your website's visibility to improve its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) and generate organic, or unpaid, traffic. It involves various elements such as keyword research, content creation, website optimisation, and building backlinks. The goal of SEO is to increase the visibility of your website for search queries related to your business or content topic.

What is PPC?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click advertising, is a form of Internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It's a method of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to earn those visits organically, as with SEO. PPC allows businesses to display ads for their services, paying only when a user clicks on their ad.

Exploring SEO: Pros & Cons

SEO is a vital component of digital marketing strategy, known for its ability to organically raise a website's visibility in search engine results. However, like any strategy, it carries its own set of challenges and benefits.

Pros of SEO

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

SEO may require an initial investment, especially if outsourcing to an SEO agency such as ourselves, is typically cost-effective in the long run.

Targets Different Funnel Stages

SEO allows you to create different types of content that cater to various stages of the buyer's journey. This means you can present your business to prospective clients at every step of their purchasing journey.

Stable Traffic Source

Once you secure a good ranking on Google, you can begin to plan for and predict organic (free) traffic to your website, provided you continue to optimise your site.

Builds Brand Authority

Consistently appearing on search results for keywords related to your products or services helps build trust and brand authority with your target audience.

Cons of SEO

Algorithm Changes

Search engines frequently update their algorithms, meaning SEO strategies need to be dynamic and adaptive. This requires continuous learning and strategy adjustment.

Regular Optimisation Required

Your job doesn't end when you get your website to rank for target keywords. Over time, you'll have to regularly optimise your content and web pages to ensure your site continues to rank. Google LOVES content! We try to add multiple forms of new content to websites each week to help them rank.


SEO takes time to show results. Depending on the competitiveness of your industry, it can take months to see a rise in SERP rankings.

Requires Expertise

Effective SEO requires high-level skills and knowledge. If you're not hiring a professional, you'll need to understand your audience's goals and meet them with quality content to optimise your site properly for the search engines over a long term period (think at least 12 months!)

Understanding PPC: Pros & Cons

PPC is a dynamic component of digital marketing that offers unique advantages for businesses looking for immediate impact and targeted reach. However, it also carries its own set of limitations.

Advantages of PPC

Immediate Results

Unlike SEO, PPC can drive traffic to your website almost immediately after the campaign launch, making it ideal for short-term goals or time-sensitive promotions.

Top Rankings

PPC ads always appear above organic rankings. This means that your website could appear first on the search engine results page, making your audience notice you before they see other results.

Pinpoint Targeting

PPC allows you to precisely target your audience. You can choose to target people from a specific geographic area, of a particular age, marital status, or interest.

Quick A/B Testing

A/B testing is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and PPC makes it easy to test different ad copies and landing pages to see which one performs best.

Limitations of PPC


PPC can quickly become expensive, especially in competitive industries. Without proper management, PPC can become expensive with lower returns.

Short-Lived Results

The visibility PPC offers is only present as long as you pay for it. Once the campaign ends, the traffic generated through PPC typically stops. This is why we always run hand in hand with a long term organic content strategy as well.

Requires Expertise and Time

Effective PPC campaigns require expertise in campaign setup, management, and optimisation. This can be time-consuming and requires professional help.

Ad Blindness

Some users have become accustomed to ignoring ads, a phenomenon known as 'ad blindness'. This can reduce the effectiveness of PPC campaigns. We have strategies to help to overcome this, blending different forms of Google ads together to retarget users around websites and search engines to give enhanced brand awareness which can ultimately drive up conversions.

Data Sharing for Improved Insights

Use data from PPC campaigns to inform your SEO strategy. PPC provides immediate feedback on keyword effectiveness, which can be invaluable for SEO keyword optimisation.

Enhanced Visibility Across Search Engine Results

Running both SEO and PPC campaigns simultaneously can dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs). This dual presence reinforces brand visibility and can increase overall traffic. We always hit SEO in the first instance, ensuring technical SEO is on point while delivering a long term organic strategy, while supporting with paid ads, to really drive leads.

Using PPC to Test SEO Strategies

PPC is an excellent tool for testing the effectiveness of different keywords, ad copy, and strategies before implementing them in long-term SEO practices.

Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Objectives

While SEO and PPC are often viewed as separate strategies, integrating them effectively can enhance overall marketing performance. The strategic integration of SEO and PPC can lead to unparalleled success.

While SEO builds a foundation for organic traffic in the long run, PPC can provide immediate results and fill gaps during the SEO ramp-up period. We can't stress, though, how important it is to have your technical SEO correct before you start running ads. If you dont you run the risk of burning through your budget because you have got the relevance score up and Google ads don't perform as well.

SEO, SEM, and PPC all work together to ensure that your website is visible online.

Both methods involve steep learning curves and a great deal of time to master. There is always something that can be done to improve results and the rules of the game are constantly changing, requiring continual monitoring of industry trends; testing; analysis and learning.

While SEO provides a cost-effective solution for long-term growth, PPC offers immediate results and precise targeting. By strategically integrating both, you can create a robust digital marketing strategy that drives sustained growth and success for your business.

Whether you focus on SEO, invest in PPC, or implement a blend of both, the most crucial factor is to continually track, analyse, and optimise your efforts. 

Are you looking to boost traffic to your website? Let’s chat.

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