Building Brand Authenticity: Why and How?

February 1, 2024
5 min read
Building Brand Authenticity: Why and How?

Consumers are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming number of options when it comes to products and services. With so many choices available, it can be difficult for a brand to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of potential customers. 

This is where brand authenticity comes into play. Building brand authenticity is not just a buzzword, but a crucial aspect of business success in the digital era. Customers are becoming more discerning and savvy, and they want to connect with brands that they can trust. 

What is Brand Authenticity?

Brand authenticity means being real, open, and truthful in how a brand talks and behaves. It's about customers feeling a brand is true to its promises and beliefs. When a brand lives its values, it connects emotionally with its audience. Businesses need to showcase their authenticity to gain consumer trust and build long-term brand loyalty.

It goes beyond just having a good product or service; it is about creating a genuine connection with consumers. When customers perceive a brand as authentic, they are more likely to trust it, engage with it, and become loyal advocates. 

The Significance of Brand Authenticity for Businesses

The importance of brand authenticity cannot be overstated, especially in today's world where consumers are increasingly seeking genuine and transparent experiences. According to a survey by Stackla, approximately 86% of consumers regard authenticity as a major factor when deciding which brands to support.

Start by conducting a brand authenticity check. This involves evaluating all aspects of the brand to ensure that they align with the brand's values and promises. It requires examining the brand's messaging, visuals, customer interactions, and even internal processes. By conducting a thorough check, businesses can identify any inconsistencies or areas for improvement and make the necessary changes to enhance their authenticity.

Customers want to connect with brands on an emotional level, and storytelling is a powerful tool for creating that connection. By sharing the brand's story, values, and mission, businesses can showcase their authenticity and create a sense of trust and relatability with their target audience. 

Whether it's through social media posts, blog articles, or videos, storytelling allows brands to humanise themselves and make a lasting impression on consumers.

Trust Building

Brand authenticity serves as a trust-building tool. An honest and consistent brand is likely to earn the trust of its audience more effectively than a brand that frequently changes its values or messages.

Brand Loyalty

Authenticity also influences brand loyalty. Customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand that they perceive to be authentic. They appreciate brands that stay true to their values and deliver on their promises consistently.

Brand Identity

Authenticity is also crucial for creating a strong brand identity. In the crowded marketplace, an authentic brand can stand out and be distinguished easily. It helps in carving a unique space for the brand in the minds of the consumers.

Emotional Connection

Brand authenticity helps in building an emotional connection with the customers. Authentic and genuine brand stories resonate with the customers at an emotional level, making them feel more connected and engaged with the brand.

What are some examples of brands that have successfully built authenticity?

Several UK brands have successfully built authenticity through various means. Here are a few examples:


They're all about natural goodness! Lush's commitment to cruelty-free products and ethical sourcing makes them a trusted friend in skincare and beauty.

Known for its commitment to natural ingredients, ethical sourcing, and fighting animal testing, Lush has built a strong reputation for authenticity. They are transparent about their ingredients, manufacturing processes, and activism efforts.

Innocent Drinks

The folks at Innocent are your cheerful smoothie buddies! Their playful tone, focus on real fruit, and sustainability efforts make them a refreshing choice.

Innocent has created a brand personality that is friendly, approachable, and humorous. They are known for their commitment to using natural ingredients and sustainable practices, and they engage with their audience authentically, often through social media.


Cheers to BrewDog, the rebels of craft beer! With their bold flavours, commitment to quality, and outspoken stance on social issues, they're like the cool kids at the bar.

This craft beer company has built authenticity through its rebellious and anti-establishment brand image. They are known for challenging norms in the beer industry, being outspoken on social issues, and engaging with their community honestly.


Explore the great outdoors with Patagonia, your eco-conscious adventure buddy! They're all about sustainable gear, ethical practices, and protecting the planet while you explore.

Although originally founded in the United States, Patagonia has a strong presence in the UK and is admired for its authenticity. The company is vocal about its environmental and social activism, and it promotes transparency in its supply chain and business practices.


Snack time just got healthier and happier with Graze! Their delicious nibbles, focus on nutrition, and personalised boxes make them the ultimate snack companion.

Graze has built brand authenticity by focusing on providing healthy and nutritious snacks in convenient formats. They are transparent about their ingredients, nutritional information, and sourcing practices, and they engage with their customers through personalised experiences.

How to Build Brand Authenticity

Building brand authenticity is a process that requires a strategic approach and consistent efforts. Here are some key steps to build brand authenticity:

Establish a Clear Brand Story

A compelling brand story that showcases the brand's journey, challenges, and achievements can help in establishing authenticity. This story should be genuine and relatable, connecting with the customers at an emotional level.

Maintain Consistency

Staying consistent is key to keeping your brand authentic! From what you say to how you look and interact, make sure it's all in sync across every platform and interaction.

Honesty and Transparency

Authenticity is all about being honest and transparent. Brands should strive to be open about their operations, values, and commitments. They should deliver on their promises and be accountable for their actions.

Engage with Your Audience

Brands should encourage two-way communication with their customers, seeking their feedback, addressing their queries, and valuing their opinions.

Innovation and Adaptability

Brands should try to keep up with the latest trends in their industry and constantly innovate to meet the evolving needs and expectations of their customers.

The Advantages of Brand Authenticity

Brand authenticity offers several advantages, including increased trust, enhanced brand loyalty, stronger brand identity, and a deeper emotional connection with the customers. It sets you apart, giving you an edge in the market and ultimately driving up revenue. 

Building brand authenticity is not just a trend; it is a necessity in today's competitive business landscape. By showcasing your authenticity, you can differentiate your business from your competitors, gain consumer trust, and build long-term brand loyalty. 

Let your brand's true colours shine through and watch as your customer base grows and thrives.

If you want to overhaul your brand let’s talk.

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